"Wow. I have no idea who any of these people are, but I'm gonna give it a vote for its sheer thoroughness."

"The Byrds, woot! I love those guys. And that's a great picture of him with the Beatles, with them all in hats-- great stuff. I don't know all of those people, but it's very interesting stuff, very"

"You forgot Blue Hair: Katy Perry. ;) Just teasing. You obviously put alot of thought into this, and it shows. Excellent work."

"This is a cool list, even though it's more of a Monkees list than "Old Music" in general."

"Gus is, like, a hero. He's a real forgotten hero. *nods*"

"Maybe music has become more popular. And besides, people still love the Beatles and buy their stuff."

"It's too bad you don't like the Byrds; I love them."

"i GUESS I was a little too.... purist, lol. Although some of them did suck a little bit, I guess. They do better stuff now, it seems like. ^^"

"I'm a witch. Yo-no Oh-no, on the other hand.... *rolls eyes* ^^ LOL. But what about JOHN, a-hahahaha. hahahaha. ha. Great job though, this is GREAT."

"Ah, the small town of Winchestertonfieldville. I remember it well...."

"Edie Sedgwick was like the Dancing 60s, as opposed to the political hypocrites. It's like: 'Who's lying? Show me your *legal* proofs?' Well, I just gave you my reasons. And, besides, *I don't trus"

"I like Churchill as a hero, (and I'm glad you like him, like that), but the more that I read about Winston, the more that he seems like my uncle or something. Like, Spencer's favorite card game was "

"I had no idea you liked George Harrison. (Ah, but Eric Clapton, noooo. ^^) I guess that I'll have to look up The Who, since they're so important and special. And Jimi Hendrix and Mick Jagger. The"

"Magical Mystery Tour is fun; I understood one of your references. *So happy*. And there was really a band called "The United States of America", which I have never even *heard* of. Trippy. Edit: Oh"

"Is it just me, or do the Beatles make everyone else look small and confused by comparison? ^^ {Well, I mean, aside from Mick Jagger, who I'm sure I would like even more if I knew more about the guy.}"

""Meet the Fockers" was great. This is good-- think outside the box."

"Tom Cruise is pretty cool. But I hate: Al Pacino, Johnny Depp, Keanu Reeves, Sylvester Stallone, *and Mel Gibson*. God, I wish we could deport him somewhere. (The rest I don't know, mostly.... Leona"