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Rock of the Jungle

Posted : 12 years, 6 months ago on 5 September 2012 05:35 (A review of The Rundown)


I mean, okay.

I see that, sure.

Post the damn review.


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This is Kinda Nice

Posted : 12 years, 6 months ago on 5 September 2012 03:18 (A review of Employee of the Month)

I mean, *I* like it. *shrugs*

" 'Quick with a joke, or a light of your smoke.' "

Oooh, shit, Billy Joel.

"Pleasure doin' business with ya."


"This is an '81 Honda! How dare you!"


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The Club

Posted : 12 years, 6 months ago on 4 September 2012 08:25 (A review of The Breakfast Club)

I think that I saw this before, in school. And I don't blame them, (so to speak), although I suppose that they must have censored it, or something.

"I can't believe that this is happening to me."

And it is funny that they released this on, what-- the Ides of February?

Although I certainly can believe that it's not a bridge club, because you need four people for bridge, not five.


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The Farmboy

Posted : 12 years, 6 months ago on 4 September 2012 12:24 (A review of The Natural)

When I saw this as a kid, I thought that it was jolly good fun, and quite quotable too. ("A common canard.")

But now, it comes off as narcissistic and paranoid.... even the sports-writer is too cosmopolitan. Then again, he's Tom Hagen. Then again, "The Natural" thinks that he's better than everyone.

So, what do you want, kid?

"To walk down the street, and to have people say, 'There goes Roy Hobbs, the best that there ever was.' "

"Is that all?"

"What else is there?"

"Don't you know?"

I guess that I've gotten to the point where I prefer William Makepeace Thackeray to Bernard Malamud.

And the music may be alright, but I still prefer Mozart.... not that I would expect anything like that, from that goddamn boxing club.

Although it is amusing, in a sleazy sort of way.... Still, it's hard to not keep watching, watching, trying to figure out where that other movie that I watched before went.

Although I'm not saying that he can't get anything with that tight-lipped charm....

Or that no one will pity him for his sob story, just because he can't even be bothered to tell it.

"We can all benefit from these little chats."

We can bring out all those little things that we've been hiding.

"I think you're a loser."

Well, at least someone said it.

Because, after all, whether you're a goat or a hero, you can still get in the papers.


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Ancient Stable, & Ancient Fable

Posted : 12 years, 6 months ago on 3 September 2012 10:32 (A review of Vanity Fair)

So, is this a regency romance? Or.... almost?

I suppose that all that I know for certain, is that it's better than any 'Pilgrim's Progress'.

And although it's not as good as Jane, I think, it certainly seems better than Bronte, or Dickens.

Or Marc Anthony. :P


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Just Like Mozart, Only Better

Posted : 12 years, 6 months ago on 3 September 2012 02:31 (A review of True Lies)

This is quality drama.

*Arnold Schwarzenegger rides a horse into a elevator in a hotel*

"Could you press the button for the top floor please.... Thank you."

Arnold Schwarzenegger always brings the chopper.

....And, I mean, this is actually a really good movie.

My only complaint is that "Juno" is the name of an antagonist, but that's really no big deal, since the film itself is actually very Juno-y.... Junonian. Whatever.

I'm surprised with how much this movie impressed me.


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Kingdom of Horses

Posted : 12 years, 6 months ago on 2 September 2012 08:43 (A review of Kingdom of Heaven)

"Whoever will die here today, you will certainly be among them."

I was actually going to watch "Moondance Alexander", (believe it or not), which I picked up for, probably a dollar or something, out of the this-must-go bargain bin.... (Like, a zillion months ago).... But all that I actually saw was the previews, which gave me this really bad skiddish-girl's faux-romance vibe.... But I actually don't know, since the last frame that I saw was the one where the FBI investigates DVD piracy. I wonder if they also investigate crappy quality in knockoff-price DVDs. Probs no.

So, yeah, instead I just sorta turned on the TV, and somehow ended up with my old friends Legolas and Lucius Vorenus.

I wonder of this is more or less crappy than *Doctor Who*; I think that it's basically the same....

To kill a dalek is not murder; it is the way to heaven.

God wants you to grind it out-- max out that XP, yo.

"It was not that they had no right to take you; it was the way that they asked."

Yeah.... medieval manners are not baroque; they didn't have Mozart and shit back then.... Lol.

Oh, shit, and Julian Basheer too, right?

Take me to Ten Forward, or something.

And is there literally someone named Odo? Wow, why not just make the one girl Loreena McKennitt.

And Professor Lupin, and someone from the Peter Jackson movies.... And "Alex Revan, Blood Knight".... Wow, that's perfect.

But here's what I want to know-- I can see that they're really pushing "Copper", and I'll grant that it's a clever title, but.... It just does seem a bit gritty, no.... And it just sounds so *British*, so why is it in NYC.... I thought that New York City was in America....

And listening to (the dying) Jeremy Irons--sorry, Liam Neesom-- explain that not only was the Holy Land-- the Land of Promise! (=America), but also *gasp* "a kingdom of conscience, a kingdom of heaven"-- that was okay, but not as cool as listening to Jimmy Fallon do the "50% more cash back" thing, and the Bridgestone football commercial, oh, that's good.... And the NFL commercials, the one in the wheat field, that's the best one, but even.... '*ding dong*' 'Who is it?' 'Football!'

But, yeah, this is more like *Doctor Who*. (And, I mean, #11 is even worse than #10-- sometimes David Tennant irritates me, but Matt Smith irritates me so much that....)

"You have Christians, Jew, Muslims."

Daleks, even.

"What we do not have, is water."

'Tis a touch dry, 'tisn't it.

'But if my *manner* has been at all reprehensible, then I sincerly apologize.'

'I could be lost inside their lies/ without a trace/But every time I close my eyes/I see your face.'

You see that: opposite lines rime, just like in Byron: but Byron was way after Shakespeare, and they didn't even have him back then....

Let me explain the only thing of any value that was discovered during the Middle Ages: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34....

And that will really only get you so far.... "You could say that I lost my belief in science, and progress.... You could say that I lost my belief in the holy church....You could say that I lost my sense of direction...."

Don't quote *Hamlet*-- don't do it! (The world was poorer then.)

"I never saw no miracle of science
That didn't go from a blessing to a curse
I never saw no military solution
That didn't always end up as something worse--
But let me say this first...."

I heard Arthur say that The Star is the symbol of wisdom-- all I know is, that I like it better than The Tower, and the people of the Tower--aliens are from Hell!-- 'they all seem like, game show hosts to me.'

And if I ever lose my faith....

I just wait, for the moon to turn....

'The thing is capable of a turn....'

'Tout Paris'.

..... I should make the joke about his name.... So long already though-- I prepare each ending so carefully, but then, it rushes on....

*sighs* I don't know. The "Mystic's Dream" song is alright-- maybe Legolas would like it. Peter Jackson's Legolas.... Maybe he's from Canada too....

Did you ever see that episode of "How I Met Your Mother", with Robin's old boyfriend, the guy from Canada-- 'the Great White North'....

And everyone wore Minnesota Vikings jerseys, for some reason.


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The Proserpina of Rhodesia

Posted : 12 years, 6 months ago on 31 August 2012 05:03 (A review of The Wild Thornberrys )

As usual, I might come off as a mental patient here.

But this whole thing is almost the perfect reason why not, for 'the wild', and the migratory life, and, somehow, for a certain sort of intellectual life.... There's the foppish, wierdo father, ("Nigel"), the frayed, hard-bitten mother, ("Marianne"), and, of course, the girl who runs into mud and shit and ruins her clothes because she thinks that she's a hero, ("Eliza"-- which, for me, recalls a different 'Eliza', {or Elizabeth or Lizzie}, who was, I think, only the *second* of five), and, of course, for every girl who runs into the feral jungle, there must be a chimpanzee companion, ("Darwin"), and there's also a monkey boy, ("Donnie"), and, last and thought least, a miserable, outcast, *stranded* girl who just wanted to be *pretty*. And Happy. (And that would be "Debbie.")

{And I do like poetry-- 'and afar, oh how far away, those nights shall be from the days that were.'}

And, if it were 1887, I suppose that she might be the Proserpina of Rhodesia, or something.

And, I mean, I suppose that the thing also had its redeeming qualities, (maybe), and it's funny moments, but basically, I just wouldn't find some of those jokes to be funny, in the way that I used to. ("Lord Nelson's Trousers!")

I don't know.

Call me crazy.


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Confess Your Sins, Paradox/Stardock/Whoever

Posted : 12 years, 6 months ago on 29 August 2012 11:24 (A review of Sins of a Solar Empire)

*posts a link to the Downfall parodies made by 'paradox refugee camp'* *oh no, wait, I'm too lazy to do that*

I guess that I had been keeping a copy of this game, and "Elven Legacy" in some dusty and not-very-easily-accessible old corner of the war wagon--I mean, I don't call it that, but it is about nine thousand years old, and it does look like it's been in a war or *something*-- just in case I decided to go on a gaming spree again, sometime. Yeah, that's what I'd been doing.... Although I just, *corrected*, that.

So.... what *are* the sins of the solar empire?

Well.... for one thing, it's pretty.... Boring. You know, it's.... Really, Dull, Actually.

Actually, the whole problem with this sort of game is actually, that it's really, boring, and.... kill-y.

So, I don't know about that.

I suppose that I'll just play "Hearts" or "Bridge", you know.

'Cause it's better than playing Patience.

*walks into the far distance drinking vitamin water and listening to 'Piano Man'*

{Seriously, though, how many energy cubits does it take to build a Vienna ballroom? How many empire credits would it take to hire Strauss? Waldteufel? Natalie Portman?}


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A Fun Show

Posted : 12 years, 6 months ago on 27 August 2012 08:16 (A review of Any Human Heart)

"I am not Uruguayan; My name is Logan Mountstuart; I'm *British*."

"My name is Logan Mountstuart; I am an English spy...."

I don't know; this show was funny.

And Mr Darcy marries Freya?



You know, the one good thing about historical drama is that it isn't contemporary political drama.....

"This is supposed to be Romney being bitter."

I don't buy that, actually, but thanks for that. And that's why I don't watch Saturday Night Live, actually....

*has a flashback to several years ago*

"Hey Bri, why do you still have your Kerry/Edwards sticker?"

"Because I'm bitter."

Hypocrisy is fun.

And you know those "ads" that they run-- "(I'm a normal person), ....and I'm a Mormon"....

Well, alot of my friends ran these "ads"-- "I voted for Obama, .... and I'm a jackass!"

And that's why I'm not....

{And maybe that's why George sang "Taxman", although I've sorta decided that it's because he wanted to vent all his secret negative energy and his secret hatred of Paul, but, I could be wrong. But, why would I be wrong?.... Holy shit, there was a band called "The United States of America", and my *British* (George-) friend is the one who knew about it, and I had no idea.... But, as you can see, this is a sign that I was right about George-- ideas of large interpretations are simply not as there as the real personal *secret*, *secret-like*, interpretations..... Think about it, though-- there's a band called, '(Your Country)', have you heard of it-- no, but a foreigner has. Like, are the Beach Boys my favorite band? No, even though "Kokomo" is a pretty cool song.... everything is personal.... some things are group, like, with the rock group, but pretty much everything is personal.... I mean, Led Zeppelin broke up in 1980 because their drummer John Bonham died, *and they would not go on without their drummer*, and that's pretty much the only thing that I understand about Led Zeppelin.... Ringo is so cool though....}

I mean, that's why I stayed in with the whist club on Tuesday night.

Because you know, I might not be able to find that oldies song, "Saturday Night", from, like, 1963, on youtube, but....

You know what I can find?

"Let's all get up and dance to a song that was a hit, before your mother was born, though she was born a long, long, time ago, *your mother should know*, (your mother....), your mother should should know. Sing it again.... let's all get up and dance to a song that was a hit...."

Back in the days of Franz Schubert, who collected German Lieder-- songs. (Like the Brothers Grimm, lol. ^^)

"Sing it again, da-da, da-da....."

And don't tell me that they're bad, or.... or, I'll rip out, all the hair, all the hairs, in your head, individually, I'll, rip them all out, individually, no matter long it takes me, and no matter much pain it causes you-- in the unlikely unevent that you don't interfere with me while I'm doing it-- I will do it....

{And, I have *news* for you, the Magical Mystery Tour IS the 60s, and, whatever you think it is, isn't.... No, really, think about it-- here are these guys, these 30s guys, and they are all.... boring, as shit. *But now*, the little girl uncovers the TV in the special room of the house, and asks if mom and dad and you would like to watch the "Magical Mystery Tour".... I mean, this was it, right, this was your chance-- assuming that you hadn't moved to America in the 40s or 50s because all your friends died in the war, like Logan Mountstuart.... (whatever, it's the same, it's there too I guess), (But how could it be on BBC in America), (I don't know, mom), but assuming you made it, this was it-- you didn't have to be so stupid and 30s-y in your manners and fuck anymore....}

So, there you have it.

I mean, think about what your life would be like if it were a TV show....

No, really, a TV show like this-- only you're in it.

Would you really want to sit there and listen to yourself explain how Winston Churchill was the shit--

No, Winston Spencer was just boring as shit, that's all!

But anyway, this show was okay.


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